CALL US: 701-590-3598

Who We Are
Located on the plains of Western North Dakota; Ficek Cattle Company is a 3rd generation family ranch dedicated to the production of sound range ready cattle. Our primary focus is raising Angus and Black Hereford seedstock for the commercial cattleman.

Cattle Philosophy
We try to keep it simple. We focus on genetics that give us more live calves that grow well on grass and milk with a huge emphasis on maternal traits. Moderate sized cows with good feet and good udders are a must. Our cows have to work for a living. They typically do not see a bale of hay until mid January. We try 0ur best to keep the cows out grazing as much as possible. Whether it be grass, aftermath, cover crops, or corn stalks we utilize every type of grazing possible. This not only keeps the cows in good condition but also weeds out the underperforming cows.
Honest and Upfront
What you see on our ranch is what you will get. No fancy sales pitch or bull of the month genetics. Bulls are in their working clothes and fed to match healthy growth rates. When they hit the range to breed they will not be laying under a tree sweating off the pounds. Our cattle move well and have sound feet to ensure years of service.